Friday, April 1, 2011

WOW Today has been quite a day...

SO! Today was day #1 of no computer until I have had my quiet time with my Prince and the Lover of my soul, the Lord Jesus Christ :) It worked out good! I was cheerful, kind to Haley, motivated, and just plain out happy! I think I like this plan! After my quiet time, I didn't even feel like I had to check my websites first thing. I put away my laundry, did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. The only think that I have found that I don't like about being motivated is that I run out of things to do in the day! But there is a good side to that. I don't have to feel guilty when I want to go do something like write or read or go on the Susie forum. I really hope I will be able to keep this up! I'm hoping you readers of my blog will help keep me accountable when it comes to this!

Today, as I was reading some magazine articles in Set-apart girl, I stumbled across this place called Ellerslie. I started reading the brochures about their leadership training and my heart started beating really fast, and i was shaking! I was so excited about it! haha I think I may have found what I want to do after I graduate! They have two options. 1 semester training or advanced training which goes for a whole year. I will definitely be praying about this option. I think it would be a very healthy thing to do to shape my future! Maybe I can do the dance YWAM montana thing and then go to Ellerslie! Or something else like that. Anyway I was super excited to find this!

This afternoon, me and Haley went to the Christian book store and spent some time looking around in there. I had two gift certificates I got for my bday, and Haley just wanted something to do lol! I found the book "The Lost Art of True Beauty" by: Leslie Ludy and I bought it! :D I'm so excited to read that after I finish re-reading "Set-Apart Femininity". I also found a really cool journal that I want called the "Amazing Grace Journal". Haley got a Journal that was made for girls and it has some really good uplifting stuff in it! Also, we found some stuff that we think we should get mom for mothers day!

Tonight was the first meeting of a Bible study that we will be doing with a couple from my old church. They are an awesome couple! We will be meeting Monday afternoons at 1pm. I'm really excited! Also, I asked Haley if she would like to have a devotional time with me before she goes to bed at night and she things that would be a good idea too! It's not going to work tonight though because she is watching a movie with Dad and is about to fall asleep.

I have a really early morning tomorrow (7:30...not early but early for me ;) so I better go to bed!


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